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A Time of Folk Culture_Chessing Time


In our childhood memories, there are always people gathering, chatting, playing chess under that huge shade of Banian tree while children playing around in front of a temple. Af ter nonstop development in all major cities throughout the years, nowadays we hardly see that image come in picture anymore. To dedicate that piece of memory and to convey the importance of preservation of Chinese folk culture, we transform the down-to-earth scenario to our design of chess table and chairs set with modern techniques. Through the core concept of Chinese chess, the chess board geometric patterns will be applied directly to the table top representing folk characteristics with its new appearance.


小時候記憶裡, 在廟口前榕樹下總有許多人在下棋、聊天, 這畫面在現今的城市裡已越來越少, 因此, 藉由轉化此情境畫面, 將下棋的桌椅重新以現代設計手法詮釋, 並應用代表中華民俗文化的象棋作為概念核心, 將桌面直接呈現象棋盤的幾何圖案, 使得此民俗特色以新的樣貌呈現, 藉此傳遞保存民俗文化的重要性。

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