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Deco Line


Many products are manufactured in certain stereotyped shapes, such as, wine bottles are typically cylinder with thin narrow necks; Champaign flutes are well known by its round base with elegant high stem, and the stay-tap opening mechanism characterizes most drinking cans for sure. Most of the time, we are simply used to the existence of these items with no perception of how handy they are in our daily life. So we try to convey the ordinary things with extraordinary patterns by transforming functional containers to decorative lines. Layered in between familiar outline and virtual function, we are hereby presenting you the beauty of an art piece.


在日常生活中,很多器物的型態其實早就已經被定型,像是酒瓶長成瓶口細瘦、瓶身圓柱狀,香檳酒杯一定是原底高腳,易開罐就是理所當然易開罐的造型,這邊物品舉例出來,相信在大家的腦海中應該都有一定的樣子浮現,這些再平常不過的生活用品,每天都充斥在我們的生活中,靜靜悄悄的,伴隨著我們度過一天又一天,正因為他們似有若無的存在,更顯得此等固定形態存在的可貴;,於是我們嘗試將這些東西轉換以另一個形式呈現,並藉此傳達平凡事物的型態有不平凡的純粹,保留容器外型輪廓轉化成另一功能容器裝飾線,將實的裝盛空間,改為虛的裝飾功能,虛實交錯下的層次呈現出不失熟悉原味的純粹美感, 如同一件藝術品,放在家中任一角落也不嫌突兀。

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