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Smart-Cube_Smart Appliances Design


The smart-cube is a smart household electrical appliance concept. It is a modular design of a monomer product that can be operated independently and integrated with other monomer products to form an ideal model and stacked pattern based on the user’s preference and requirement. Interfaces can be set-up through an app exclusive to smart-cube. There are a total of 8 function interfaces including time, weather, video, picture, music, to-do-list, light source, and social networking sites that are available to users. By making use of the personal setting of smart-cube, users can enjoy more expectations and beauty in daily life.




This product is divided into three monomer types; namely, cube, cuboid, and a power supply box with equal dimensions to enable the user to easily personalize a combination. Installed inside the edge sound module of each monomer product, is a conductive magnetic structure that utilizes magnetic force as a combination. The product can be used after magnetizing the monomer products. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are also installed in each monomer product which can be operated independently after connecting to the app.






> Select time zone and interface style (number or simulation clock).

> Directly drag the selected interface to the monomer to display. The monomer can be repeatedly selected. Dragging it out of the frame cancels the operation.

> The size of the interface can be adjusted but should at least cover the entire monomer.



> 選擇時區及介面樣式(數位、類比)。

> 將選擇好的介面直接拖曳到要顯示的單體上,可重複選擇單體,如要捨棄,反方向拖曳至外框可。

> 可進行介面大小調節,但至少需涵蓋整個單體。


> Select the region and information to be displayed (weather, temperature, chance of rain, wave speed, and wind speed).

> Drag the selected interface to the monomer to display. Multiple monomers can be selected to display the interface.



> 選擇地區及所需顯示之資訊(天氣、溫度、降雨機率、濕度、風速)。

> 將選擇好的介面樣式拖曳到要顯示的單體上,可選擇多個單體分別顯示。



> Select the music platform to play music. (KKbox, Spotify, iTunes, Apple music and radio)

> Drag the selected music platform to the monomer to play music. Adjust the volume.

> Radio can be switched to either AM or FM band.



> 選擇要播放的音樂平台(KKbox、Spotify、iTunes、Apple music、radio)

> 將選擇的音樂平台拖曳到要播放的單體上,並進行音量控制。

> Radio可選擇AM或FM。



> Select the video platform (Youtube, Vimeo, iTunes and upload via mobile phone).

> Drag the selected video platform to the monomer to play video. Adjust the size of the playing interface.

> Enter the video platform and select to play the preference item.



> 選擇影片平台(Youtube、Vimeo、iTunes、手機上傳)。

> 將選擇的影片平台拖曳到要播放的單體上,並進行播放介面大小調節。

> 進入影片平台選擇喜好項目播放即可。




> Drag the picture to the monomer to display. Multiple monomers can be selected.  

> Select the picture to be displayed.

> Adjust the display size.



> 將圖片圖示拖曳到要顯示的單體上,可重複多個單體。

> 選擇所要的顯示的圖片。

> 顯示大小調節。





The monomer that controls the power supply has a serial number. After connecting to Wi-Fi, the user can begin to customize his personal setting after inputting the serial number and registration password. The app can automatically recognize the combination pattern and display this on the user’s mobile phone screen, making it convenient for the user to set each monomer. The following sections introduce the interface operation of the 8 functions:



Enter serial number and seeing type witch you combined.




 Light Source:

> Drag the light source to the monomer to activate light.

> Select the color of the light source and adjust brightness via color cycle.



> 將光源圖示拖曳到所要發亮的單體。

> 利用色相環選擇所需光源顏色並調節亮度大小。




> Drag the icon to the monomer to display the icon.

> Set the time.

> Make a list of things to do, which are displayed on the monomer in due course.



> 將圖示拖曳到要顯示的單體。

> 時間設定。

> 列出欲待辦事項,時間一到即會顯示於單體上。



Social Networking Sites:

> Select the preferred social networking sites to be connected to the monomer (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plurk, Mail, Messenger and Instagram).

> Drag the social networking sites to the monomer to display. Multiple selections are supported.

> After logging in to the selected social networking site, users can receive notices, messages, and letters sent by the social networking site.



> 選擇欲連線的社群(Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Plurk、Mail、Messenger、Instagram)。

> 將選擇的社群拖曳到要顯示的單體,可多個選取。

> 登入所選之社群,即可收到社群所發出的通知、訊息或信件。



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